Monday, June 20, 2011

Hospice Care Center

This past weekend I had a couple of falls. No major injuries, just some cuts and bruises, but my left side doesn't really work anymore and it is difficult for my wife to move me around. We checked in to the Hospice Center last night and so far things are ok. My two main complaints are that I'm no longer in charge or my medication, and that the food is only served at specific times and with a specific menu. At my old hospital I had a large selection of foods that were delivered room service style. I could call down any time day or night and order what I wanted. The upside is that there are lots of good restaurants nearby and my wife is willing to get me take out.


Hatch Family said...

your wife is pretty amazing...i heard you had a fabulous dinner the other night. yummm!

Lynette said...

Take care Russ, Just wanted you to know I am thinking of you. I always appreciate your updates.
Love you! Hugs... Auntie L

My Life as a Domestic Goddess said...

Thanks for keeping your blog. You are amazing and I Love you!

Emily said...

Found your blog through BT Buddies. I will be thinking of you.

Unknown said...

I appreciate all of the information that you have shared. Thank you for the hard work!

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